
Last Blitzkrieg - 17 Dec 1944 January 3rd, 2021  Here is my AAR for day number 2 of a multi-player LB CG that is being run by Bill Durran.  Bill is posting an overall AAR of the CG  and I thought it might be nice to supplement tat with a more detailed AAR of the units that I am commanding.  In this CG, I have the pleasure of running the Axis Northern units as shown below. Historical weather is being used and we have Normal ground conditions with Fair atmosphere conditions and Full visibility.  Overnight our team received 3 AV replacements and 8 Non-AV replacements.  I allocated my replacements as follows -  AV replacement on the 560 JgPz unit in 12th SS  non-AV replacement to II/25 PzGr of 12th SS  In the Assignment phase, I removed the 88 unit from 326th VG with the hope that it can make its way over to KGP tomorrow.  The activation sequence is set randomly by Bill for all players, and each side only has information related to their act...

Last Blitzkrieg - 16 Dec 1944

 I am participating in a multi-player LB CB that is being run by Bill Durrant.  Bill is posting an overall AAR of the CG  - but I thought it might be nice to supplement that with a more detailed AAR of the units that I am commanding.   In this CG, I have the pleasure of running the Axis Northern units as shown below The activation sequence is being set randomly by Bill for all players and my first formation to activate was the 12th SS Pz Division.   Technically, this is a second activation as this formation begins the day in a used status.  I should note that we are also playing with the Optional Orders rules where players must set the orders for their formations as part of the Pre Turn phase.   12th SS Pz My orders for 12th SS are to move the HQ to Harperscheid - C48.32 and to also bring up the Combat Trains to a location 5 hexes away.  The formation will attack down the main road from Harperscheld turning south at the Heartbreak C...

Recon in Force declared futile...

10:45 am - After taking some devastating losses, including the loss of the 13th Alabama, Heath decides to call off the Recon in Force and pull back to west of McPherson’s ridge. Time for the Confederates to regroup and resume the attack after Ewell arrives. 


Reserves are an important aspect of the Line of Battle series.  They provide a +2 DRM on Fluke Stoppage base check which is significant since that allows you to pass that on a DR of 4 or greater (provided your original division leader is still alive).  Reserves are also available for rapid introduction into the campaign. So with that understanding, how does the reserve system work ?   First, units can be placed into reserve by a specific order or as part of another move or attack order (10.4c).  In addition, a unit can also be put into when the order is implemented. Note that while in reserve, units must be in Column/Limbered/Mounted/Open Order formation. There are also some restrictions on whether or not a specific reserve qualifies a division for the +2 DRM (10.7c).   The reserve cannot contain ant wrecked or destroyed units, it cannot be located in a place where it can receive enemy small arms fire, cavalry cannot be the reserve for infantry, and if the r...

LOB - Command and Control

This past weekend, I took the time to finally read thru and make some notes on the Line of Battle - Command and Control rules.  These rules fill 8 pages in the rule book and we have not really had a chance to use them in our previous scenarios.  I hope these might help all of us better understand this critical piece of the game as we get ready to kick things off this weekend. 10.0  Command and Control  With limited exceptions these rules manage how the Army Commander sends Orders to any of his Commands.  Some basics ...  Orders are required to Move or Attack  No Order is required to Defend in Place  Order requires Command Roll to Create  Army Commander can attempt a Single Order each turn to one Command  Orders must be written down and will take time to deliver (based upon distance / awareness) Upon arrive, recipient must make Command Roll to Accept Order (if not successful - must try again on subsequent turns)  ...

Line of Battle - Crib Notes

I decided to write up my notes for the Line of Battle series rules in the hope that you might find them helpful as you read through the rules on your own... Line of Battle Series v2.0 Version 1.0 - May 9th 2019 Scale     110 yards per hex / 15 minute turns / 20' elevation levels Units are Regiments / Independent Battalions / Artillery Batteries  Each Strength Point represents 50 men and a single cannon Terrain Slope Lines (thick lines) - Impact morale when firers are at lower elevation  Inclined Ground - Impacts movement but not LOS Woods - Impacts LOS as expected, but Movement only impacted across Green hex-side Stone Walls - Can impact Small Arms fire Towns - Impact Movement (also Intersections) can also impact Combat (DG Results) Creek / River - Impact Movement Runs - No Impact on Play  Rock Ledges - protect units on downhill side Small - Less than or equal to 3 Strength Points (3SP) Sequence of Play Command Phase...

Launching W@W

 Folks, I plan to use this blog as the primary communication vehicle for war gaming at waterleaf group. Feel free to subscribe to this blog and add any comments you want to the posts created here.  My goal in creating this group is to get a chance to enjoy playing historical war games with a group of friends and finally get some of my games off of the shelf and onto the table. Gary Bartlett