LOB - Command and Control
This past weekend, I took the time to finally read thru and make some notes on the Line of Battle - Command and Control rules. These rules fill 8 pages in the rule book and we have not really had a chance to use them in our previous scenarios. I hope these might help all of us better understand this critical piece of the game as we get ready to kick things off this weekend.
10.0 Command and Control
With limited exceptions these rules manage how the Army Commander sends Orders to any of his Commands.
Some basics ...
- Orders are required to Move or Attack
- No Order is required to Defend in Place
- Order requires Command Roll to Create
- Army Commander can attempt a Single Order each turn to one Command
- Orders must be written down and will take time to deliver (based upon distance / awareness)
- Upon arrive, recipient must make Command Roll to Accept Order
- (if not successful - must try again on subsequent turns)
- No subsequent Command Roll needed to relay orders (but they will also have delay)
- Most basic sense - Advance and Capture Object or Move Somewhere Specific
10.1 Command
- A Command is a HQ / Leader / Units
- Can be an Artillery Battalion or a Corps or anything in between
- Orders are Required to be able to Move the Command's HQ
- Units can move freely and fight within Command Radius (EXC 10.8a)
10.2 Command Radius
- Max distance between Leaders / HQ and Units
- All units must be within Command Radius (EXC 10.2d)
- ??? Leaders filling in for a Command HQ are bolted to the ground when not following orders ???
- Wagons are exempt from Command Radius but need Orders to Move
- Artillery battalions ignore Command Radius when Posted
- Unnegated EZOC blocks Command Radius
- Count Command Radius in Hexes
- Check Command Radius at start of Move and announcement of initial Charge
- If not in Command Radius,
- Cannot Charge
- Any movement must be to move back into Command Radius
- Movement Not Required
- Non-Artillery in EZOC is Stuck (can still fire)
- Artillery may Limber to escape EZOC
10.3 Order Details
Orders must be written down, and include -
- arrival time at destination
- type (Move / Attack)
- textual instructions
- optional conditions
Midnight Orders - No Command Roll required, multiple orders allowed, arrive at Twilight
Initiative is allowed at Night
10.3f - Can issue orders to reinforcements that have not yet arrived on board
10.4 Order Types
Attack - Move Somewhere and Size Terrain from Enemy
can also use Attack for short movements (no column requirements)
These Orders must be relayed from Corps Commander to Divisional Commander
Move - Move to a Location but no Assault allowed
can also move artillery to support an attack
All Infantry must move in Column (Conga Line on Roads)
Must remain in Column until Deployed
Deploy allowed when 1) reaching objective, 2) Receive Attack Order 3) Leader obtains Initiative to Deploy
Deployment ends a Move order
10.4 c Reserve
Allows formation to be set aside for a more rapid future use
Must be in Column, Limbered or Mounted
Any Size Formation can be put into Reserve
Must be noted on the Initial Order or added as part of Implementation
Can use Initiative to Leave Reserve
10.6 Command Roll
A given leader can only make 1 Command Roll per turn
Leader must be stacked with HQ (if HQ exists)
New Orders replace existing Orders
Move orders are not relayed to subordinates but acted on immediately
Attack orders are automatically relayed but need to be accepted after potential delay
10.7 Ending Orders
Orders are ended when 1) Order is fulfilled, 2) New Order received, 3) Skedaddle, 4) All division in the command Fluke, 5) Player determines that the order is futile, 6) Move Order units deploy
10.7 b Fluke Stoppage
Each turn, every Division must make Fluke Stoppage base check,
- Success - Nothing further to do
- Failure - Check the Division Leader Command Value
- Success - Nothing Further
- Failure - Division must successfully complete Attack Recovery (10.8c) before it can act on a new order or resume current order
Must move to rear to a location outside of small arms fire range in Activity Phase
Can exit EZOC as per Case #2 in Rule 3.4
Must stay in that location with no-orders until Attack Recovery is completed
10.8 Special Order Situations
No Orders - Units can defend and move within current area and HQ cannot move
If Senior Leader of a Command is lost when under Attack Orders - Entire Command is Fluked
10.8c Attack Recovery
Roll on table each turn, ignore Open Order and Sharpshooter units for losses
Roll and if successful, Roll again with Leader
Unit will Auto Recover the next day
New attack orders must await recovery
(can also follow old attack order if still in play and at players discretion).
<This also happens when Attack Order ends>
10.8d New Orders
New orders to a command still executing an Attack then Attack Stoppage and Attack Recovery occur normally.
10.8e Artillery
Can be independent Command with own HQ
Must be 4 hexes from HQ unless Posted by Leader
Move Order must either
- Specify a HQ Destination Hex
- Be in Command Radius of Friendly Command and be Associated with that Command
10.9 Skedaddle
Controlled Event - Not a Rout
Player can declare a Skedaddle at any time in Activity Phase
Also occurs when
- Enemy enters HQ Hex
- Retreat from attack by Small Arms Fire
- Another unit force HQ to displace
Put the HQ Anywhere you would like and once placed cannot move
- Units from that Command must move to re-enter Command Radius
- Must enter Column, Limbered, Mounted and do a Move Activity
- Can freely enter / exit EZOC with associated SP losses
- No Closing Roles needed
- Pay MP costs for facing changes normally
10.9b Ending Skedaddle
After all units are in Command Radius then make Initiative Roll to end the Skedaddle
Skedaddle cancels all Command Orders
10.9d Trapped
Can surrender units that are not getting back to Command Radius and therefore move towards ending the Skedaddle
10.10 Initiative
Allows leaders to create their own orders (with restrictions)
Must successfully pass a Command Roll to issue an Order
When in a Skedaddle - The only order that can be issued is to End the Skedaddle
Order Restrictions
- Move an Artillery Command
- Modify existing orders from the standpoint of Route and Timing
- Deploy Command currently working a Move Order
- Release Reserves (can Defend in Place or follow parents command order)
- Counter Attack
- To recapture lost ground (note that the unit must have been reserve unit in previous attack order)
- End Skedaddle
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