Reserves are an important aspect of the Line of Battle series. They provide a +2 DRM on Fluke Stoppage base check which is significant since that allows you to pass that on a DR of 4 or greater (provided your original division leader is still alive). Reserves are also available for rapid introduction into the campaign. So with that understanding, how does the reserve system work ? First, units can be placed into reserve by a specific order or as part of another move or attack order (10.4c). In addition, a unit can also be put into when the order is implemented. Note that while in reserve, units must be in Column/Limbered/Mounted/Open Order formation. There are also some restrictions on whether or not a specific reserve qualifies a division for the +2 DRM (10.7c). The reserve cannot contain ant wrecked or destroyed units, it cannot be located in a place where it can receive enemy small arms fire, cavalry cannot be the reserve for infantry, and if the r...